Wednesday, March 10, 2010

English 1020 Blog 4 What if?

What if I had super powers? I do so many amazing things! I don’t even know where to begin. I guess I can describe what I mean by super powers. That is actually a broad category of things. I could talk about this all day. I will now go over some super powers that I wish I could have.
A cool super power to have would be flight! I mean like Superman flight. I would just fly to class faster than a speeding bullet. I could fly all over the world and visit all of the far away places that I will never get to go to in real life. Another power similar to flight would be teleportation. I think if I could pick between the two, I would pick teleportation, because it would be instantaneous. I could wait until the absolute last second to leave, which I do anyways. The difference is I wouldn’t be late!
Another cool super power I would like to have would be invisibility. I could get away with so many awesome things if I could go invisible. It would be like Harry Potter’s cloak, but I could just activate it with my mind. If I have invisibility, I would also like to have intangibility. This would make me almost like a ghost. I could do pretty much anything I wanted if I had these powers.
Another useful super power would be common sense. If I had common sense I could make rational everyday decisions and not look like a complete idiot. I could actually function as a normal human being! How amazing would that be? Out of all of the super powers I have mentioned, I think this is the rarest and most powerful. This last bit is obviously a joke, but I think it gets a message across.

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