Wednesday, March 10, 2010

1020 Blog 3- Healthcare

What if the American Healthcare system wasn’t completely screwed up. . .? I always find it easier to write three hundred words on a topic if it is something that I actually feel involved with, or in this case, something that really boils my blood. I have known for a while that the system is broken, but I didn’t really care until it started to impact my family’s lives and my own. The following is a recount of the last few weeks and my encounters with this disgusting, broken-down mess.
The first problem I have encountered with it recently actually involves my mom. She was been and still is having stomach pains to the point that she went to the ER for it. The problem with this is that she doesn’t have health insurance, so all of the cost is on us. . . Anyways, she gets into the ER and they decide that her appendix needs to be removed. So, my mom goes into surgery and gets her appendix removed. After this the doctor tells her that her appendix really didn’t need to be removed, and she will probably still, and does, have the same stomach pains. So now we are stuck with a needless medical bill that bill collectors have already started to harass us over, and my mom is not any better. In my opinion this is a complete failure. . .
The other encounter with this is more personal in a way. I hurt my hip last August. I won’t go into the details of it, but I have been to the doctor twice and the ER once for it now. I have been X-rayed twice and had my hip poked and prodded on numerous times. Through all of this, I have received no relief or valid diagnosis. I am scheduled for a MRI soon, but my point is I have been in pain for about 6 months now, and all anyone wanted to give me was Ibuprofen. If you have ever tried to take a large dose of Ibuprofen, you know not only will it not stop pain from a serious injury, it will tear your stomach up. Until today, Ibuprofen was all I got. I now have some Tramadol, which provides me with some relief, but I won’t even go through the hoops I had to jump through and the bureaucracy that I had to get involved in to get even that.


  1. Come to Tipton county and these quacks around here will give you whatever you please! I'm sorry that your family is having a struggle with health problems. I agree though the system sucks.

  2. Funny thing is, I am from Tipton County :p. I graduated from Covington High. Lol.
